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Category : - Medicine

Vallarai Powder

Botanical Name : Centella asiatica (Indian Pennywort)
Brand : Kannadiyar
Qty. / Wt. : 50gm

Availability : 1 Item(s)
Fun Fact
Many of us knows that tomato is a fruit, but pumpkins are too!

நியாபக சக்திக்கும், மூளை வளர்ச்சிக்கும் வல்லாரை சிறந்தது.வல்லாரை நாம் அனைவரும் நன்கு அறிந்து அதே நேரத்தில் அளவோடு பயன்படுத்த வேண்டிய மூலிகையாகும். நிலப்பிரம்மி, சரஸ்வதி, சண்டகி, யோசனைவல்லி போன்ற பெயர்களும் வல்லாரைக்கு உள்ளது.

Vallarai :

Dosage: Usually up to 2 to 4 gms of vallarai powder per day is recommended, but don’t go above this dosage.

Side effects of vallarai: Pregnant women, small children and lactating women should not consume gotu kola. Even others should not consume gotu kola herb regularly for longer periods of time as it might cause headaches and even skin problems.

vallarai has been prescribed for improving memory for centuries. The best way to consume gotu kola for memory is in the form of powder. You can either buy it from the markets or make your own. Since vallarai is very very famous, most of the reputed companies manufacture gotu kola powder so getting good quality vallarai powder is not a problem at all.


Botanical Name : Centella Asiatica

English Name : Brahmi Leaves

Tamil Name : வல்லாரை / Vallarai

Hindi Name : ब्राह्मी बूटी / Brahmi Booti

Malayalam Name: കുടവൻ) / മുത്തിൾ / കുടങ്ങൽ / Kudavan/ Muththil /kudangal

Telugu Name : సరస్వతి ఆకూ / Saraswati Aku

For more than three generations, takes pride in reviving some of the ancient Siddha formulations under the name Kannadiyar. The company is actively engaged in selling quality Siddha and Ayurveda products, which includes raw materials, seeds, powders, roots, lehiyams, juices, health & hygiene products, hair oils and more.

All products available with us are eco-friendly and without side-effects. Our passion lies in the supply of quality products in the best possible lowest price.

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